Ben Edtl on the Lars Larson Show

Live with Rick Dancer

Tualatin Life

West Linn Tidings

KGW The Story

One America News

NW Fresh

NTD News

Ben Edtl on the Lars Larson Show ★ Live with Rick Dancer ★ Tualatin Life ★ West Linn Tidings ★ KGW The Story ★ One America News ★ NW Fresh ★ NTD News ★

Let’s stay in touch:

The Time is Now.

Political corruption and extremism is dividing us, destroying our schools, skyrocketing taxes, driving up the cost of living and perpetuating the daily tragedies of drug addiction, homelessness and crime. Oregonians need balance and the time is now for voters to make meaningful change.

Imagine having a State Rep who fights for you.

Turn our schools around. Oregon has the worst performing schools in the Nation. 60% of our children test below grade level in all subjects. As Representative, I’ll champion bills to restore basic education, protect parents’ rights, protect the integrity of girls’ sports and return to local democratic control over individual school districts. Communities know what’s best for their kids, not the big state agencies.

Reduce the cost of living. Portland Metro has now surpassed New York City as the highest taxed urban district in the entire nation. As Representative, I’ll champion bills to eliminate the wildly aggressive taxation on families and small businesses so that we can make Oregon financially livable again.

Stop the homeless industrial complex. The more money politicians spend on “solving” the homeless crisis, the more massive the crisis becomes. This proves that our homeless community isn’t getting the support they need and the politicians are making out like bandits! As Representative, I’ll champion bills that stop the systemic enablement of drug addicts, protect public and private property rights and hold addicts accountable to get the help they really need.

Make our communities safe again. The Portland Metro Area has become one of the most dangerous cities on the West Coast with the second highest total murders, only to Los Angeles. As Representative, I’ll champion bills that support police officers and district attorneys in keeping the peace and protecting your life and property. I’ll work to fully fund law enforcement, including special units that take guns away from dangerous criminals, investigate and prosecute property crimes, reduce human and drug trafficking and fully fund constitutionally protected defense attorneys to give a fair fight to any citizen accused of a crime.

Reduce energy costs and protect our environment. Destructive regulations on our energy markets are further impoverishing Oregonians by driving up the cost of basic necessities. As Representative, I’ll champion bills that reduce the exponentially increasing costs to power, water and natural gas. I’ll establish a process for evaluating clean nuclear energy, protect our clean hydro resources and offset carbon emissions through improved forest management, better protection of oceanic habitats and incentives for urban heat dome mitigation.

The UNIPARTY establishment can kick rocks.

I got into politics after losing our million dollar family business in 2020 to lockdowns and lawlessness. Since then, I’ve been working full-time in politics to clean up and strengthen my home state of Oregon.

The problems we face today were all created in the legislature. As lawmakers, the leaders of both parties enacted dangerous policies that devastated our economy, our communities and our institutions. They did it to line their pockets with taxpayer money.

Both the Republican and Democrat caucuses are terrified of my election to the state legislature. That’s because I’m exposing their corruption and holding them accountable to the public. A vote for me is a vote for true representation of the People in Salem.